
SSCI一区期刊Language Learning & Teaching 专题征稿

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本刊是一本免费、完全提供参考资料的开放性期刊,自 1997 年 7 月起完全在线出版。该期刊最初每年出版三期,现在由夏威夷大学马诺阿分校的国家外语资源中心全年连续出版(点击此处了解更多关于这种模式的信息)。该期刊旨在向外语和第二语言教育工作者传播有关技术和语言教育问题的研究成果。LLT 的重点不是技术本身,而是与语言学习和语言教学相关的问题,以及它们如何受到数字技术使用的影响或增强。LLT 的编辑委员会由第二语言习得和计算机辅助语言学习领域的学者组成。

Multimodality in Relation to Learning Processes and Gains

Guest Editor

Bronson Hui 

Bronson Hui earned his PhD in Second Language Studies from Michigan State University and spent a year at the Hector-Institut für Empirische Bildungsforschung in Tübingen (Germany) as a post-doctral researcher. His areas of interest include multi-modal input in second language acquisition (e.g., captioned media, reading-while-listening), computer-assisted language learning (CALL), lexical processing, vocabulary learning and teaching, quantitative research methods, and open science practices.

His research appears in journals such as Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, Modern Language Journal, Language Learning & Technology, Second Language Research, System, Applied Psycholinguistics, among other venues.

Matt Kessler

I am an Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of South Florida (USF). At USF, I am a faculty member in the Department of World Languages, where I teach classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I serve as a core faculty member for the department's PhD program in Linguistics and Applied Language Studies and the MA program in Linguistics/English as a Second Language. I also serve as the Director of USF's Multilingual Writing Center, and as the Co-Lead (with Camilla Vásquez) of the Digital Discourse, Media, and Writing Lab. 

Special issue

In order to encourage more scholarship in this area, this special issue invites submissions that investigate multimodality in the area of CALL. In particular, this special issue aims to explore different aspects of multimodality in CALL by connecting students’ learning processes with subsequent learning outcomes. For example, studies might focus on issues pertaining to L2 digital multimodal composing, reading, vocabulary learning, pragmatics, language testing, or additional areas. Crucially, because the focus is on explaining the relationship and/or making connections between L2 learning processes and subsequent outcomes, contributing authors are expected to firmly ground their studies in either a specific SLA theory or a general theory of learning and education. Authors should also clearly explain how they intend to measure (in quantitative or mixed methods studies) or describe (in qualitative studies) both L2 learning processes and gains. 

For this special issue, preference will be given to studies that adopt either quantitative or mixed methods approaches; however, qualitative studies will also be considered. We encourage submissions that adopt methods that can unveil the learning processes the learners go through, including but not limited to verbal reports (e.g., stimulated recall, think alouds), eye-tracking, system logs, and/or keystroke logging. Classroom-based studies are also strongly encouraged. Finally, in accordance with recent calls for open-science practices in the field of applied linguistics at-large, we ask that authors contributing to the special issue follow open-science practices to the extent that is possible, including sharing materials, sharing data (and codebooks), and pre-registration (e.g., see Center for Open Science).


Publication Schedule

8/1/2023 - Call for Papers

2/1/2024 - Abstracts Due

2/15/2024 - Invite Authors

7/1/2024 - Full Papers Due

3/1/2025 - Resubmissions Due

7/1/2025 - Final Manuscripts Due

10/1/2025 - Publish


Articles should be limited to 8,500 words. For more information, please refer to the Submission Guidelines. 

To be considered for this special issue, which will appear in Volume 29, Issue 3 in October 2025, please submit a title and maximum 300-word abstract through this online form by February 1, 2024. Questions can be sent to Bronson Hui (bhui@umd.edu) and Matt Kessler (kesslerm@usf.edu).

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本文编辑:同济大学 孙雨




Language Governance Alliance





